1 get the wave2 automatic quoting
3.1 filters javascript
3.2 filters css
3.3 filters plain
3.4 filters escaped
4.1 loops foreach
4.2 if then else
4.3 loops for
5 how php to haml handles attributes
6 (conditional) comments
Example: 1 get the wave.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)%h2 That's the wave - get it %div %p indentation represents relation %p is indented more than the %div thus its a child of it. Same applies to this text. %p within a p tag %p PHP-TO-HAML get's out of the way. It helps you focus on your real job rather than on nasty PHP details
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<h2> That's the wave - get it </h2> <div> <p>indentation represents relation %p is indented more than the %div thus its a child of it. Same applies to this text. </p> <p> within a p tag </p> <p>PHP-TO-HAML get's out of the way. It helps you focus on your real job rather than on nasty PHP details </p> </div>
That's the wave - get it
indentation represents relation %p is indented more than the %div thus its a child of it. Same applies to this text.
within a p tag
PHP-TO-HAML get's out of the way. It helps you focus on your real job rather than on nasty PHP details
Example: 2 automatic quoting.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)%span='this is an arbitary HTML expression' %span='<> See how this gets quoted' %span!='<b>unquoted bold text</b>' %div ="this works :-)\n" =strtoupper("this too")."\n" inerpolation quoted always eg #{'</>'} %span='Note: '.substr('Ecomplicated php expression',1)
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<span>this is an arbitary HTML expression </span> <span><> See how this gets quoted </span> <span><b>unquoted bold text</b> </span> <div>this works :-) THIS TOO inerpolation quoted always eg </> </div> <span>Note: complicated php expression </span>
this is an arbitary HTML expression
<> See how this gets quoted
unquoted bold text
this works :-)
inerpolation quoted always eg </>
Note: complicated php expression
Example: 3.1 filters javascript.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer):javascript // this code will be put into a JS tag dosmething('foo');
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ // this code will be put into a JS tag dosmething('foo'); //]]> </script>
Example: 3.2 filters css.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer):css // same for CSS rules
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<style type='text/css'> /*<![CDATA[*/ // same for CSS rules /*]]>*/ </style>
Example: 3.3 filters plain.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)%div :plain Indentation also applies to filters. You can text which will be inserted verbatim here Text within filters may contain interpolations: #{'<>'} #{3*7} #{count(array(1,2,3))} No quoting takes place <a href="www.google.com">GOOGLE</a> unless you you use the escaped filter:
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<div>Indentation also applies to filters. You can text which will be inserted verbatim here Text within filters may contain interpolations: <> 21 3 No quoting takes place <a href="www.google.com">GOOGLE</a> unless you you use the escaped filter: </div>
Example: 3.4 filters escaped.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer):escaped <a href="www.google.com">GOOGLE</a>
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<a href="www.google.com">GOOGLE</a>
Example: 4.1 loops foreach.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)%h1 foreach %ul -foreach(array(1,2) as $nr) %li=$nr
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<h1> foreach </h1> <ul> <li>1 </li> <li>2 </li></ul>
- 1
- 2
Example: 4.2 if then else.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)%h1 assign vars and add conditinoal HTML code - $pred = true; - if ($pred) %div true - else %div false (note that closing of else branch depends on indentation only!)
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<h1> assign vars and add conditinoal HTML code </h1> <div> true </div>
assign vars and add conditinoal HTML code
Example: 4.3 loops for.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)%h1 or use a simple for loop - for($i=0; $i<3; $i++) =$i.' '
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<h1> or use a simple for loop </h1>0 1 2
or use a simple for loop
0 1 2Example: 5 how php to haml handles attributes.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)%h1 CSS selector like div attributes can be provided this way: #container.container ... %h1 HTML like attributes Note how duplicates are removed from the class attribute: %a(class="foo bar foo") link %a(href="# looser" href="# winner") link %h1 Ruby Hash like attributes Note how duplicates are removed from the class attribute: %a{:href=>"#", :class=>["a", "list", "bar"]} link %h1 You can also use interplation within attribute names: %div{"_#{3*7}" => "really wired attribute!"} %h1 And of course you can mix both styles: %h(target="_blank"){:href => "href value"} link
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
<h1>CSS selector like div attributes can be provided this way: </h1> <div class='container' id='container'>... </div> <h1> HTML like attributes </h1>Note how duplicates are removed from the class attribute: <a class='bar foo'> link </a> <a href='# winner'> link </a> <h1> Ruby Hash like attributes </h1>Note how duplicates are removed from the class attribute: <a class='a bar list' href='#'> link </a> <h1> You can also use interplation within attribute names: </h1> <div _21='really wired attribute!'> </div> <h1> And of course you can mix both styles: </h1> <h target='_blank' href='href value'> link </h>
Example: 6 (conditional) comments.haml
HAML (written by a designer or programmer)This will only be rendered for IE: /[if IE] %p IE only -# This won't be rendered at all / this will be rendered as HTML comment
HTML (generated by the resulting PHP code)
This will only be rendered for IE: <!--[if IE]> <p> IE only </p><![endif]--><!-- this will be rendered as HTML comment -->
This will only be rendered for IE:
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